646 Readings
Additional Readings for 646

The primary set of readings and problems provided by the instructor for this course can be linked to in 646 Readings and Coursepack page. Students should first focus their readings on material from this Coursepack. Additional readings can be linked to below as they are added. Some of these readings may be particularly useful for students who are experiencing difficulties with the lectures and Coursepack. In addition, there are more exercises in the 646 Additional Problems page. Students who are interested in more advanced or other readings in finance not necessarily related to this course can link to Professor Teall's recommended readings . There may also be a few readings on this recommended list that could be useful for this course. Readings will be added here from time-to-time. Feel free to report any difficulties to or obtain any needed assistance from John Teall. Check this page regularly because more materials will be added as the term progresses.

black_scholes_example.jpg : A handwritten illustration calculating Black-Scholes call prices with pencil and paper
using_the_z_table.pdf : Instructions on using a z-table, illustrated with the Black-Scholes example

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updated 05/16/2022